This part of this lab is a review of the Multilayer Perceptron. It aims to refresh your memory of what you have learned in class.
Please download the notebook by right-clicking and selecting "Save link as" and opening it using using Google Colab. You should see the following if you open the notebook successfully.
Sentiment analysis studies the emotion in texts, it has different applications like marketing strategy refinement, social media monitoring, product analysis etc.
In this lab, we will use the IMDb movie reviews dataset to predict user attitude according to the review written by them.
A couple of lab tasks are given to you to practice your skills in processing data and building an AI model using MLP. Please download the notebook, .py submission template, the dataset as well as the GloVe embedding and open them on google colab. You should see the following if you open the notebook successfully.
(the name should be the same, including its case), and submit the zip file (i.e. to ZINCThis list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.