This part of this lab is a review of NumPy. It aims to refresh your memory of what you have learned in class.
Please download the notebook by right
clicking and selecting "Save link as...", and opening it using Google Colab.
You should see the following if you open the notebook successfully.
CIFAR-10 is a very famous dataset of general objects. It consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes (categories), with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images. In this lab, we are going to use this dataset to perform some image-related tasks.
A number of lab tasks are given to you to practice your NumPy programming skils. Please download the notebook by right click and select "Save link as...", and open it using Google Colab. You should see the following if you open the notebook successfully.
This is an odd numbered lab so no need to submit anything. Have fun playing with the notebooks! ;)
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